Frequently Asked Questions

A : AI-based support for case prediction refers to the use of machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics to analyze past case outcomes and predict the potential outcome of a new case.

A : The accuracy of statistical algorithms and machine learning technology based case predictions can vary depending on the quality of the data used to train the machine learning models. However, studies have shown that AI-based case predictions can be more accurate than human predictions in some cases.

A : No, AI-based support for case prediction is a tool that can assist lawyers in making informed decisions. It cannot replace human lawyers, as there are many factors involved in legal decision-making that require human judgment and expertise.

A : The ethical implications of AI-based support for case prediction are still being debated. It is important to ensure that the use of AI in legal decision-making does not perpetuate biases or unfairly disadvantage certain groups.

A : AI-based support for case prediction can be used for a wide range of legal cases, including but not limited to criminal, civil, and family law cases.

A : AI-based support for case prediction can benefit law firms by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving decision-making.

A : Some challenges associated with implementing AI-based support for case prediction in legal practice include data quality, interpretability of the AI models, and potential biases in the data used to train the models.

A : The use of AI-based support for case prediction in court is still a relatively new development, and its admissibility as evidence may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the case.

A : Lawyers can ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI-based case predictions by using high-quality data, regularly updating the AI models, and validating the predictions against actual case outcomes.

A : Clients can benefit from AI-based support for case prediction by receiving more informed legal advice and by having their cases resolved more efficiently and effectively.

Our Prediction System Success Rate


Level of Success


Marginal Error

